What are you going to do?
1. I am going to go to the cinema
2. He is going to do some shopping
3. It will be sensational
4. She is going to play (at the) cards
5. It will be great
6. I am going to stay at home
7. You are going to dance at the disco
8. I am going to stay at home
9. You are going to travel to France
10.We are going to eat a pizza
11.You are going to buy a jumper
12.I am going to go out with my mates
1. Je vais aller au cinéma
2. Je vais rester à la maison
3. Je vais sortir avec mes amis
4. Je vais danser à la disco
5. Tu vas acheter un pull
6. Tu vas voyager en France
7. Tu vas chanter
8. Il va faire du shopping
9. Elle va jouer aux cartes
10.On va manger une pizza
11.Ce sera sensass
12.Ce sera génial