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Barney A

Hi :)

In the clip people were wearing Muslim headresses. This is because although Morocco's *unnoficial* second language is French, it is a Muslim country.

The girl said that in her family there is herself, her brother, her mum & dad and her sister.

When they go to the market they buy some shoes. Nice :)

I think "c'est maman qui a marchandé" means something like the mother was haggling, or something about bartering anyway :\

Morocco is in Africa and it's first language is Classical arabic.

I'm not too sure if any of that was right, she spoke really fast and it was confusing.
I watched it like 5 times and still didn't get it :\

Lizzie J

i didn't understand quite a bit of that so some of my answers are a bit of guess work!!
1)moroccans seem to dress in all sorts of different pretty patterns.
2)she say she lives with her dad, her mum, her sister and her brother.
3)she bought some shoes from the market but i don't know what day it was.
4)i think that phrase means 'my mum buys from the market' (?!?)
5)i think moroccan people are musical sort of people and all about spending time with the family.


1. The moroccans dress in loose clothes and in robes that cover most of their body.
2. She mentions her Cousin,Dad,Sister,Mother and
3. They go to casablanca in April,2000 and buy some shoes at the market.
4. I think it means 'would you like to buy?' because in the sentence it mentions merchandise!
5. There is Arabic writing(on the taxi.) There is a lot of old buildings/ruins and there are mosques in the background.(when they go to take pictures)

matthew h

1. it is very colourful and some of them wear robes and others dress like we do
2. her borther
3. they buy shoes and a camera but i do not know what day
4. they want to buy merchandise
5. it is not very wealthy


1. most times they dress like us but at familly meetings they wear traditional clothing.

2.She mentions her mum, dad and brother.

3.they buy shoes and a camera, not sure which day.

4.I think it means "Our mum bargined for the shoes".

5. they do not have many big names and shops unlike us, they have mostly market-places.

Zoe R

1) The weman wear long clothes to cover their arms and legs and some weman cover their hair.

2) She talks about her mum and dad who are organising a party? She also talks about her brother getting his ears pierced.

3) They go to the market on wednesday and buy shoes and a camera.

4) Does it mean that her mum is trying to get the best price for the shoes?

5) There are lots of monuments and palaces for torists to visit.

Michael M

1.The women were wearing long tunics and head scarfs, the men were also wearing tunics and caps on their heads.
2.The girl mentions her mother, her father and her brother.
3.They go to the market on wednesday and they buy shoes and a camera.
4. The mother bargained with the stall holder
5.The taxi's are smaller


1. What do you notice about the way the Moroccans in the clip dress? There's not much pattern to it, it's fairly floaty &is old fashioned.

2. Which members of her family does the girl mention? (plus any details about them?)Her grandmother, mum, dad, brother, sister

3. What day do they go to the market in Casablanca and what do they buy ? Shoes ?

4.What do you understand by the term "c'est maman qui a marchandé"? nothing?

5. Anything else you notice about Moroccan culture/society? The clothes & languge is very different & so is the weather.

Kieraaa x

1. What do you notice about the way the Moroccans in the clip dress? Its really oldfashoned and plain and boaring

2. Which members of her family does the girl mention? (plus any details about them?) Granma mum dad brother sister and 2 others

3. What day do they go to the market in Casablanca and what do they buy ? shoes

4.What do you understand by the term "c'est maman qui a marchandé"? Nothing

5. Anything else you notice about Moroccan culture/society? Everything is mutch more old fashoned and it's really plain.


1. What do you notice about the way the Moroccans in the clip dress?
less modern?

2. Which members of her family does the girl mention? (plus any details about them?)
her mum,dad,sister,brother and herself

3. What day do they go to the market in Casablanca and what do they buy ?
4.What do you understand by the term "c'est maman qui a marchandé"?
marchande? is merchandise?
5. Anything else you notice about Moroccan culture/society?
it all revolves around local life not like in england were we go far to get items.

Catherine D

1. They wear quite long tops and keep themselves well covered up.
2. Her cousin. He's called Diminea? He is 5 years old.
4.Errm. We bought some shoes.
5.Some of them wear head scarfs or hat things. They have a celebration with their family and wear dressing gown thingys!

If I'm not very accurate its beacause it was a little unclear. Sorry!

Lucy T

1.The morrocan's dress colourfuly.
2.She mentions her mother and her brother.
3.They buy shoes and they go shopping on a ?
4. ?
5.Morocan culture society has lots of different colours around trhe area and has lots of markets

Laura M

1. The Moroccans dress in lots of different colours
2. She mentions her mother and her brother
3.In Casablanca they go to the market on __? to buy __?
5.Moroccan culture/society is very colourful and has many markets.

James Ridgway

1. The Morrocan women in the clip wear brightly coloured lose fitting dresses, the men dress similarly to men in the UK.

I didn't quite understand what she said about them.

3. They went to the market on Wednesday and they bought a pair of red shoes.

4. Something like 'it is my mother with a salesman'.

5. The ruins suggest that Morroco was part of the Roman empire.

cameron s

1:i think they are in a strong religius commuinity.

2:her mum,dad and brothers.

3:tusday to by shoes.


5:a lot of them are islam or muslims

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